Course Syllabus
About the Course
The Precalculus Corequisite is designed to help students who have been identified as having learning gaps in material prerequisite to Precalculus. There are no prerequisites. The content of the corequisite will focus on skills needed to make students be more successful in the accompanying Precalculus course.
Course Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to...
- Model real world data using a variety of mathematical functions
- Manipulate functions to form conclusions about real world data
- Create new mathematical functions by transforming parent functions
- Create new mathematical functions by combining two or more functions
- Interpret graphs of functions
About Your Instructor
Dr. Hannah Schwartz
Instructor of Math, NCSSM-Morganton
Office hours: Tues, Wed, and Fri 2-3 pm in the Goodwin 2nd floor Lounge
Instructional Material
The purpose of the instructional material is to enrich and support the learning outcomes for students in precalculus. In addition, instructional materials are meant to increase student achievement by supporting independent student learning.
- All course materials will be posted to Canvas.
- Pen/Pencil
- Loose leaf lined and/or graph paper
- Graphing Calculator
- Laptop Computer
Grading Policy
Precalculus Corequisite is a Pass/Fail course.
To pass this course, students must complete a minimum of 12 of the weekly modules.
Progress reports will be given twice throughout the semester (roughly each third of the semester). In this context, a passing grading will indicate that the student has completed 80% of the weekly modules up to this point.
Strategies for Success
Since this course is self-paced, there are no hard deadlines for completing the weekly modules until the end of the semester. However, it is expected that you budget your time in class to complete approximately one module per week.
If you are struggling to keep up with the weekly modules, please reach out to me so that we can address the issue and formulate a solution so that you can be successful in this coreq. You may also find it helpful to reference Strategies for Academic Success at NCSSM.
Communication Policy
When you email your instructor, you can expect a response normally within 24 hours during the standard work day. Communication may be limited during evenings and weekends.
Feedback will be provided when assignments are graded.
- If you need additional assistance with course content, you may also contact one of the Math TAs to meet during their weekly office hours, or at math tutoring in the Goodwin 2nd floor lounge on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:15 pm. More information is located at this link.
Attendance Policy
It is the responsibility of every student at NCSSM to attend all scheduled classes, meetings or other required activities on each academic day. Instructors enter a report of student attendance into the school database for all class periods.
Faculty members record students who are not in a class or required activity as absent in the school database. The Attendance Coordinator will determine the reason for the absence and then enter the appropriate coding designation. If an absence is coded as Medical, Counseling, Excused or Approved, instructors are obligated to allow students to make up the work they missed as a result of the absence. The student is responsible for arranging the make-up work at the convenience of the Instructor and the student.
If an absence is coded as Unexcused, instructors are not required to provide students an opportunity to make up work missed during the unexcused absence. A summary of all reported class or other absences (regardless of coding) is readily available to students and their parents online in the school’s student database. Students who believe they have received and Unexcused absence or Tardy incorrectly have up to 3 academic days from the date of notification to present written documentation to the Attendance Coordinator (or Academic Programs Office) that the coding is incorrect. It is the student’s responsibility to address any such absences/tardies and the coding will not be altered after this deadline.
As per school regulations on absences and tardies, any tardies that exceed 10 minutes will be marked as unexcused absences. Four tardies per class also count as an unexcused absence for that course.
Relief from Multiple Assignments & Tests
Students at NCSSM are expected to effectively manage their time so as to complete multiple assignments each academic day. However, it is particularly important on major assignments and tests that they be allowed to fully demonstrate the learning they have accomplished. Thus, any student who has more than two such assignments (see Testing and Major Assignments Calendar for definition) falling due on the same day may request relief.
In any such case, as early as possible—but no later than 48 hours (two days) in advance—the student submits his/her request to the Academic Programs Office specifying the courses, instructors, and assignments involved. Academic Programs confirms the multiple assignment conflict by contacting the individual instructors, and determines the best course of action to take in order to provide relief. The student and instructor then are notified of the approved change—no later than 24 hours in advance.
Technology in the Classroom
Technology is an integral part of the full learning experience at NCSSM, and students are expected to use technology responsibly in the mathematics classroom. Laptop computers, mobile devices, and calculators can be invaluable tools for learning when used appropriately; however, these same tools often impede a student's depth of understanding of course concepts when used inappropriately.
Students are expected to use technology while completing coursework (both in and out of the classroom) only with prior approval of the instructor.
Academic Integrity
All work turned in by you should be the result of your own efforts unless otherwise instructed. All tests and quizzes should be done individually with no help from others. Specific instructions on how to collaborate are given for any assignments that are completed with a partner or a group. Tutorials may be available to you, but only if your teacher allows you to get help on an assignment. It is always to your advantage to make a serious attempt at an assignment before seeking help.
For essays and research assignments, students must cite all sources for ideas that are not their own. For a guide to citing sources and avoiding plagiarism, a student should confer with the course instructor and Purdue Online Writing Lab's citation guides (Links to an external site.).
The following are considered a breach of academic honesty:
- Giving or receiving help during a test or quiz;
- Discussing the contents of a test or quiz;
- Programming unauthorized information into electronic devices to be used during a test or quiz;
- Completing graded assignments for other students - violation for both the giver and recipient of the work;
- Collaborating on assignments that have clearly been designated as individual work; unless the submissions notes a group assignment, it is considered an individual assignment.
- Not citing correct sources for ideas and evidence in written and, in some cases, oral work (including copying or heavily paraphrasing summaries or abstracts from scholarly or academic work and representing them as your own)
- Taking credit for more work on an assigned group project than was actually contributed;
- Submitting work previously done for another class at NCSSM or elsewhere without acknowledgement.
Accessibility Services
The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics facilitates the implementation of reasonable accommodations, including academic adjustments, resources and services, for students with disabilities, chronic medical conditions, or a temporary disability resulting in barriers to fully accessing NCSSM courses, programs and activities.
Accommodations for students are determined through Academic Accessibility Service (AAS) for individuals with documented qualifying disabilities in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.
Please refer to the NCSSM Accessibility Services website for contact information.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |