Case Studies: What is Your Mindset?

  • Due Jun 17, 2016 at 11:59pm
  • Points 60
  • Questions 3
  • Time Limit None


WHAT is the assignment? 

Based on the readings on 'grit' and 'mindsets' you will respond to three case studies and write a 'fixed mindset' and 'growth mindset' strategy response to the case study.

HOW Should I Complete It? 

For each of the  case studies in this open essay response, you will write a brief "Fixed Mindset" response and a brief "Growth Mindset" response.  Please include evidence from the readings to support your response using appropriate paraphrase and citation strategies.   Go back to the readings and videos related to 'Mindsets" to make sure you understand the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. 

HOW do I submit this assignment?  

A quiz will open and present the case studies---when you click start--for you to record your answers.  There is no time limit BUT the quiz will assign you 3 of 5 potential questions.  BUT If you reset the quiz, the questions may change.

HOW Am I Graded?  

Each case study is worth 20 points.  The instructor will grade you on:

  • Integration of resources.  Your response is based on evidence from the readings and videos.
  • Correct Application of terminology.  Your response describes the 'growth' and 'fixed' mindset framework, as defined by the readings and authors, correctly.
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